Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hey Look! I'm Inspired! :)

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles"
-Audrey Hepburn

Hey guys! :)
How's everyone?!
Hope you're all doing okaaaaaaaaaaay!

Did anyone miss me? LOL. Just kidding.

Well, you guys are prolly thinking why the heck I speak like this. Uhm, nothing. I'm just used to speak this way. :)

So Hey, Look! I'm inspired and it's all because I'm happy and contented. That's very inspiring huh.

Yeah, I know it's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote an entry and I'm back!
I'm back to write a very non-sense entry again. LOL. Kidding! It may sound non-sense but for me, it has full of sense. These are my thoughts, so non-sense might not be the right kinda word to describe my entry. Anyway, you're sort of aware that I'm not a girl. I mean, I'm not a REAL girl. And if you're gonna try to discriminate me, Oh, so sorry honey but you've lost the fight already.

So I went from this:

To this:

With that kind of transformation, who wouldn't get inspired, right? And yes, myself is my inspiration. :) Sounds crazy or narcissism but what can I do? It's me and I know, I can't be an inspiration to anybody but to myself only.

And then one day, while I'm at a birthday celebration, This guy was introduced to me:

and I was like, "Hey! :)" By the way, his name is Chester Kier. (sounds very manly to me. LOL)

As far as I can remember, that was in May, 2013 somewhere in Intramuros, Manila. A week after, he was welcomed to our group or should I say, our "Circle of friends". At first, he was just somebody that's in my contact list, no more, no less. Then he started sending *group messages.

*(GROUP MESSAGE - sending out messages to your full contact list about everything that you want to share.)

Actually, I can't remember how it all started but I just found myself replying to every message he sends out and I really liked it. So it continues until the end of June, 2013. We then realized that our feelings were mutual. I like him, and he likes me. The feeling was like, "He and me, against the world." well, of course, don't take it literally. LOL.

Anyway, we continued having a conversation through text messages until July came in. In that period of time, we went to a higher level. He used to call me to check if I'm okay, or if I have had my dinner before I go to work, or about whatever. Then after a couple of days, he's already mentioning me in his group messages, also calling me as "Mama Andi" which freaked me out a little. I was like, "Where in the world he got that call sign??!".  Then I realized, I can't do something about it since that's what he wanted. And so I got my own call sign for him and that's "Papa Kier". And that's how it all started. :)

In the middle of July's last week, we talked about getting officially committed to each other. It was very intense and i got overwhelmed. The feeling was very submerging that I thought I was dreaming that time. Finally, after 6 years, a guy asked me to be his girlfriend. Well, lucky me! :P

So we went out for a party on August 3rd. :) What I didn't know is that he already had a plan on asking me to be his girlfriend and officially announce this to the mob. If you can just see what I looked like that night, you'll prolly laugh at me. LOL.
I felt like my face was distorted because of the happiness that I was feeling, I got my emotions mixed, I thought I was about to cry then I'm gonna smile, and whatever. So from there, we normally go out for a date whenever we both have spare time. He always tells me that he loves me and so do I. He never got ashamed of having me in front of many people. He was really sweet and he does that every single day. Whenever I ask him "Pa, am I still pretty?", he never answered. But what he does is kiss me. He's kissing me as if I am the most beautiful creature he has ever seen in his 24 years of existence.

Today is December 4 and it's our 4th Month of being together, and I could not ask for more. I can tell, he's the sweetest guy I have met. :) And now, he serves as an inspiration to me. Whatever I do in my life, it's all because of him. Hope that we could last for eternity.
"Can somebody let us ingest some vampire blood then snap our neck, so we can come back to life and spend it for a thousand years together? :)"